February is Black History month - and unions and activists are participating in a variety of ways. Watch for Local 4948's upcoming interview with Dr. Rita Cox, an award-winning librarian, renowned storyteller and community leader who created the Black and Caribbean Heritage Collection at the...
Latest News
2021 City Budget Deputation
January 26, 2021 President Brandon Haynes delivers an impassioned deputation expressing his shock and dismay at City Hall's refusal to fund two extremely important TPL programs: Digital Literacy for Seniors and Community Librarians. https://player.vimeo.com/video/505749991
Curbside Service Delivered by Toronto Public Library Workers
Dewey or don't we join in with Bernie Sanders' Mittens memes? Of course we do (and with affection for a strong defender of working people). Please check the Toronto Public Library's website for the latest information on the services library workers provide during the lockdown in this second State...
Happy New Year!
2020 has been a very difficult year for all workers, their family and friends. Library workers have continued to work and deliver services that Torontonians rely on - with all the associated health and safety concerns faced by many public service workers. Thank you for your support during these...
Happy Holidays from the Toronto Public Library Workers!
National Day of Remembrance and Action to End Violence Against Women
The Toronto Public Library Workers Union commits to the ongoing fight to end violence against women, including our murdered and missing Indigenous women. As a step in this direction, our union recently negotiated a paid leave for victims of domestic or sexual abuse. From CUPE National: On December...
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