In 2020, OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System), which manages the pensions of 500,000+ active and retired municipal employees, had a loss of 2.7% - approximately $3 billion). In comparison, HOOP (Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan) returned +11.4% over the same period. For more...
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Paid Sick Days Save Lives
From CUPE Ontario: Please fill out this petition and share! On January 12, 2021, the Ontario government announced a second State of Emergency and instituted a stay-at-home policy. A growing chorus of advocates, experts, and workers responded by pointing out a glaring omission: the Ford...
Stop Anti-Asian Hate Rally on Sunday March 28
The Toronto Public Library Workers Union calls out anti-Asian racism in Canada and around the world. We stand in solidarity with Asian communities everywhere as we mourn both recent and past acts of horrific violence and hate. We commit to recognize and fight white supremacy and fight...
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Today! Sunday, March 21, please join a special free online event at 3 pm "Making Good Trouble" presented by the Toronto and York Region Labour Council, Labour Community Services, and the the Urban Alliance on Race Relations. Local 4948 President Brandon Haynes will be one of the speakers at this...
An Interview with Dr. Rita Cox (Feb 24 2021)
To help celebrate Black History Month, Brandon Haynes interviews renowned Canadian author, storyteller and Library Worker, Dr. Rita Cox.
Great Fiction Reads for Black History Month
Because we are library workers - there will be a booklist! Celebrate Black History Month with some of the best fiction by Black authors from 2020-21. These recommended titles represent a variety of diverse perspectives across different literary genres. Where available, a link to the Toronto Public...
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