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Labour Endorsed Candidates (Municipal Elections 2022)

Labour Endorsed Candidates (Municipal Elections 2022)

Labour Endorsed Candidates Municipal Elections, 2022  The Toronto Public Library (TPL) is funded by the City of Toronto.  Every year, Toronto City Council decides how much money it will give TPL. On October 24th, please consider voting for the following candidates. When progressive...

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🍧Ice Cream Truck🍨

🍧Ice Cream Truck🍨

  The Local 4948 ice cream truck is on the road again from September 12th – 16th, 2022! Indulge in a cone or a slushy to help support the United Way. Check out which branches we are stopping at and encourage your colleagues and customers to join you! Don’t like ice cream? No sweets? Consider...

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Labour Day 2022

Labour Day 2022

It’s Back! We’re happy to announce that the Labour Day parade is back to in-person this year! Please join us for the march, bring family and friends, and enjoy free admission to the CNE along with our new 2022 TPLWU 4948 Labour Day union swag! We’re so excited to be giving out our new union...

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Support for Ainy

Support for Ainy

*Update: FYI, Aysha Harun, Ainy's niece closed down the fundraiser before the Local was able to donate due to Ainy's insurance covering the costs of transport back home. Aysha announced that the funds raised would go towards the medical costs for Ainy's family members who were also injured in the...

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